If you made it this far, that means you have an interest in what I can do for you!
Congratulations, you made the right decision!
Before we go any further, let’s make a deal, shall we? I don’t want to waste your time by telling you how awesome I am, how my code is the best and how my sites are the best thing since sliced bread, hot water and walking barefoot in grass.
I’ll give you the short bits and you can choose if it’s worth reading further. If not, thank you for stopping by either way.
Let’s get cracking!
What I do
- Mobile Applications
- Angular 2
- LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP)
- A lot of WordPress
- A lot of MVC, working at the moment with Symfony framework
- Server side administration & infrastructure (Linux), working with virtualization (Citrix) and AWS (Amazon Web Services)
- Of course HTML and CSS
- Experienced with responsive builds, I have used Bootstrap and other frameworks or built responsive sites from the groups up, ‘by hand’
- Most sites use jQuery and of course JavaScript.
- I’ve done plenty of work with Joomla in the past, including major sites.
- And of course when clients old and new come panicked when disaster strikes (hacks, vulnerabilities), I help them so fast, they don’t even know what hit them. And then I find out what hit them and help them so it doesn’t happen again 🙂
Ok, that’s plenty of text. Don’t take my word for it, we don’t know each other yet, right? Why trust a stranger? But perhaps more strangers are telling the truth.
Onwards to Testimonials? or Portfolio?
Take a look at my LinkedIn profile here.